In the ever-entertaining saga of modern love and politics, one adventurous voyager of the heart found herself caught in a swirling cocktail of emotions that even the French countryside couldn’t remedy. Our protagonist recently parted ways with her MAGA-touting beau, casting him aside due to some “vibes” and the murmurs of discontent from her circle of progressive pals. But as she set out on a dreamy group holiday, it wasn’t exactly “la vie en rose” as she was confronted with the stark reality of being the odd one out amidst a sea of couples.
There she was, with her friends all paired up and gleefully embarking on escapades that couples do. Meanwhile, she was spiraling into a pit of introspection about her seemingly barren love life, feeling the pangs of jealousy nibble at her. Friends, after all, are great at celebrating shared ideologies and deployments of moral high ground, but when it comes to cozy couple selfies, an extra arm to lean on is hard to improvise.
Despite the loneliness that clutched at her, our leading lady pondered the hypothetical presence of her ex-boyfriend. Certainly, if she had never broken up with him, perhaps he would have been right there beside her, casting long shadows in the sunny fields of France. Yet, in her heart of hearts, she knew all too well that the dynamics of her group would have taken quite a different, perhaps turbulent, turn had he been there, with his America-first fervor clashing spectacularly against her friends’ globally-minded conversations.
Her liberal entourage prided themselves on open dialogues and discussions that soared above the conventional humdrum chitter-chatter. They spoke passionately about women’s rights, swapping tales and opinions that spanned the globe — a discourse that might have caused her ex to break into a patriotic sweat. His likely retreat into solitude with an invented excuse of needing to work would have left her stranded on the same lonely island, but this time surrounded by whispers of disapproval instead of supportive companionship.
After a whirlwind of internal mulling over, she came to a reassuring conclusion: some breakups are, indeed, blessings in disguise. Despite fleeting moments of solitude and longing, she realized that staying true to her values meant more than a coerced attempt at fitting a square peg into the round hole of her social circle. So, while love remained elusive under the French sky, a clear understanding dawned: sometimes it’s better to enjoy your own company with a side of self-awareness than to compromise and feel just as lonely in a mismatched duo.