Trump Roasts Rosie O’Donnell Over Her Move to Ireland

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Rosie O’Donnell has taken her talents across the pond, and not just for a vacation in Ireland. No, this isn’t some romantic getaway or a quest for better green beer; it’s a full-blown relocation because she claims she “doesn’t feel safe” in the good ol’ USA with Trump at the helm. Now, that’s quite the dramatic move! Can you imagine? Packing up your bags and uprooting your entire life because of a president? Sounds a bit extreme, right? It’s like deciding to leave a party because you heard there might be a karaoke rendition of “My Way”—dramatic and unnecessary!

The irony here is just rich. Rosie, the champion of diversity, decided to make her home in Ireland, which, let’s be honest, is about as homogeneous as it gets. There’s diversity, and then there’s “everyone looks like they just walked off the set of a potato farming documentary.” If she’s so keen on celebrating the melting pot of cultures here in the U.S., what gives? She can’t swing by the pub if she isn’t surrounded by all manner of “EES” and cultures? Isn’t that what she champions? It’s as if she took the phrase “be the change you want to see” and flipped it to “be the change by running away from it all”—bravo, Rosie!

Now, for someone who claims safety is a concern, one has to wonder what exactly it is she’s running from. Is she feeling threatened by the man with the hair? Or is it more about feeling threatened by the idea of someone else being president? Because frankly, if a president’s policies are making you so fearful that you decide to throw in the towel and move abroad, maybe it’s time to take a step back and assess your perspective. It’s like moving to avoid a pesky neighbor—it might just be easier to put up a fence or deal with it than to pack your life away into boxes!

And let’s talk about the kid factor here. Rosie’s dragging her 12-year-old along on this dramatic flight from potential doom as she renounces her citizenship like some kind of overzealous starlet fleeing the paparazzi. Sure, she claims it’s for the sake of her child and their “equal rights,” but the truth is a bit murkier. Just how does removing your kid from a country with considerable freedoms showcase a commitment to their welfare? It seems more like a case of “my team lost, so I’m taking my ball and going home.” It’s not exactly the power move one might expect from a so-called champion for equality.

In the all-too-crowded arena of politics where Trump gets both vilified and glorified, isn’t it a tad funny how Rosie and her ilk react? When someone makes a decision based on political emotions rather than logic, we end up in this ridiculous circus. It’s like taking a schoolyard spat into adulthood—trying to dodge responsibility by literally changing your address. If someone could benefit from maturity lessons here, it’s definitely Rosie.

So, as Rosie rolls her suitcase into the land of shamrocks, one has to wonder whether she’s really left behind the “unsafe” America or just her own fears and contradictions. Ultimately, she’s trading one set of issues for another, and who knows? Maybe next year she’ll be penning a piece on how she felt more trapped than ever while sipping her Irish coffee. Here’s hoping she finds what she’s looking for, though it’s hard not to see the irony of fleeing the country to avoid what many would argue are just aspects of life—something we all have to learn to navigate, whether we like the political landscape or not.

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