LA Inferno: A Fiery Glimpse Into Hollywood’s Fate

As the Oscar nominations rolled in, one couldn’t help but notice a distinct lack of excitement rippling across the heartland of America. The Academy, those self-anointed saviors of the silver screen, have once again served up a plate of cinematic curiosities that reflect their own eccentric tastes rather than those of the average moviegoer. In their bid to flaunt a brand of virtue scarcely seen on their sun-soaked streets, they’ve chosen films that appear to be in a covert competition for the most obscure plotlines and perplexing characters. Hollywood seems to have sent an unyielding message to those erstwhile movie enthusiasts—they don’t care for the common folk’s opinions or interests.

The glitzy parade of the red carpet, once teeming with eager fans and curious onlookers, now resembles more of a self-congratulatory echo chamber. As the curtains rise on another Oscar season, one can’t help but wonder if anyone is even watching. Entertainment that once pulled us together for a shared experience akin to the All-American Super Bowl has now become an exclusive showcase for films most would overlook at the local multiplex. It’s hardly surprising given the nominees—a somber architect’s tale, a “reimagining” of the world’s oldest profession, and a drug lord’s saga that attracted fewer viewers than a school talent show.

Hollywood’s glorious tales and glossy veneers continue unabated, even as disaster tales of wildfires consuming the glitterati’s estates swirl in the media. One might say this is the universe offering them a glimpse of the fiery future, metaphorically speaking, destined for those who peddle in narratives glorifying the very things that erode societal values. These films don’t just challenge traditions, they trample on them with abandon. Meanwhile, the audience, or what’s left of it, recoils in the metaphorical burn.

And then there are the spectacles of the big night: the gowns, the speeches, the occasional political diatribe from those whose expertise is limited to the cinematic realm. Once revered statues that signified artistic achievement now serve as trinkets for lectures on morality. A horde of those whose personal lives resemble a whirlwind drama in itself take the stage to opine on the ethical choices of others. Hollywood never tires of telling us how to think, what to value, and who deserves a trophy for the riveting portrayal of life’s more controversial aspects.

In accepting their message, society has tucked it away alongside bygone relics like outdated cameras and bell bottoms. Gone are the days when Hollywood’s virtue signaling held sway over the public psyche. As the Academy clinks their glasses and praises their provocatively dull narratives, the whispering echoes of their bygone relevance waft into obscurity. As we close another chapter on yet another awards season, one might wonder how long before the sequel focuses on the actual audience—not the echo.

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