PROOF the DOJ Is Running Election Interference for Joe Biden | Ep 360

After Hunter Biden was found guilty of a minor gun charge, Democrats and the media were quick to use his conviction as evidence that all is “hunky-dory” with the justice system under President Joe Biden. Anyone who questioned the Left’s “fair justice” narrative was branded a conspiracy theorist. Cue New York Magazine: “Hunter Biden Conviction Blows Up Republican Conspiracy Theories” and Vanity Fair: “Trump and Co. Come Up with Most Deranged Theory Yet: Joe Biden Wanted Hunter Biden to Be Found Guilty.” Never mind the fact that the only reason Hunter went to trial is because a judge blew up a secret deal between his lawyers and his dad’s DOJ that all but gave him blanket immunity on tax fraud charges. But sure, the justice system is fair and impartial! Never mind the fact that the regime’s main political opponent in the upcoming presidential race — Donald Trump — was convicted on 34 BOGUS felonies and faces three more major trials. AND never mind that Trump’s ally Steve Bannon was ordered to prison for contempt for Congress and yet Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland got away with the EXACT same crime. Glenn lays out the case that proves the weaponization of our justice system goes right to the top. Through unredacted court documents, White House visitor logs, and documents from congressional committees, the evidence trail leads directly to the Joe Biden White House. Glenn is joined by legal warrior Harmeet Dhillon, a lawyer for Donald Trump and the Center for American Liberty founder and CEO. She says the weaponization of government she’s witnessed is unprecedented and believes the end game is to trigger civil unrest in the country if Trump is jailed. “The constant fear being injected into conservatives is deliberate,” Harmeet says. But she gives four solutions for how conservatives can avoid entrapment from a government treating them as enemies of the state.

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