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**American Leviathan: The Documentary That Exposes Bureaucratic Overreach**

For over a century, a shadowy and unelected group of bureaucrats has been quietly pulling the strings of the American government, often making decisions that seem to skip right past the United States Constitution. This alarming trend is the subject of a groundbreaking documentary called *American Leviathan*, which takes a deep dive into the forces that have created today’s so-called “administrative state.” The film highlights a serious issue: How can the duly elected president get sidelined by the very agencies meant to uphold the law? With a humorous yet serious tone, this article unpacks the revelations made in the documentary and what it means for the future of democracy in America.

The documentary poses important questions. How is it that the Department of Justice and the FBI can turn against a sitting president? How did they get away with using a dubious dossier to manipulate the judicial system by securing four warrants based on false pretenses? Surprisingly, those responsible for these actions, whether they be within the FBI, the DOJ, or Congress, seem to have completely evaded accountability. Ned Ryan, the executive producer of *American Leviathan*, got motivated to create this film while engaging with mainstream media like MSNBC and CNN—platforms he noted often revel in the unfounded hysteria of things like “Russian collusion.” The documentary serves as a wake-up call, revealing the nasty underbelly of bureaucracy that many have accepted as the norm.

The film outlines how the progressive movement began over a century ago—it steadily aimed to dismantle the constitutional authority that allowed ordinary citizens to have a hand in their governance. Instead, a system emerged where unelected bureaucrats, isolated from public opinion and political accountability, took the reins of power. As Donald Trump assumed the presidency in early 2017, he disturbed this status quo by boldly declaring, “I am the one who decides!” To many, this declaration must have sounded like a refreshing shake-up, but to the bureaucratic elite, it was an outright threat to their power.

Ryan’s documentary serves not just as an exposition but also a rallying cry for the American people. He believes that an awakening is happening, sparked recently by figures like Elon Musk, who have voiced concern over bureaucratic governance. The film calls for citizens to recognize the administrative state for what it truly is—an antithetical force standing in the way of representative government. Regular Americans must rise and demand that elected officials start governing rather than hiding behind the bureaucratic wall. For the documentary to resonate, a collective effort is required to break from a mindset that has allowed this bureaucratic machine to flourish unchecked.

One of the film’s crucial messages is the need for accountability within the administrative state. It highlights that Congress must not only regain its legislative authority but also be willing to oversee how taxpayer money is spent. With estimates suggesting that there are around 800,000 non-essential federal employees, the film prompts audiences to consider: What would happen if we began trimming this bureaucratic fat? Many see this as a pivotal moment to reclaim the republic from those who wield their power with little regard for the Constitution or the will of the people.

In the grand finale of this exposé, the documentary ends on a note of cautious optimism. While the past has been riddled with bureaucratic overreach, Ryan’s work communicates a singular message: It’s high time to shatter the administrative state and restore true governance based on the principles of liberty and accountability. By encouraging viewers to engage with the documentary and spread its vital message, *American Leviathan* aims to spark widespread dialogue on a national level, leaving viewers informed and empowered to take action. So, for those looking to dive into this captivating revelation, grab some popcorn and prepare to have your eyes opened. You can stream the documentary for free online—after all, knowledge is power!

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