In the ongoing battle for America’s energy independence and economic strength, four pivotal phrases have emerged: drill baby drill, map baby map, mine baby mine, and build baby build. These concepts are essential for unlocking the vast resources held within federal lands, providing revenue, jobs, and energy security to the nation. As conservatives rally to preserve traditional values and promote a robust economy, it has never been clearer that these principles must be put into action.
Drill baby drill articulates a straightforward vision for America’s energy future. By leasing federal lands to private companies, the government can facilitate responsible oil and gas extraction. This practice not only generates revenue — as seen when New Mexico collected nearly $900 million in lease sales under President Trump — but also strengthens national security. During his governorship, one leader fought the Biden Administration, which failed to hold mandatory lease sales, preventing the private sector from accessing these critical resources. The court ultimately ruled in favor of maintaining lease sales, yet the Biden Administration’s appeal reveals a blatant disregard for both the law and the potential prosperity it could bring.
The mapping of resources, encapsulated in map baby map, is equally vital. The U.S. Geological Survey must be empowered to locate and report on offshore and subsurface resources. Historical context shows that mapping has the potential to revolutionize economies. Just as one geologist’s efforts in 19th-century Britain propelled the nation into an industrial powerhouse, effective mapping could do the same for America, helping unlock the resources that lie beneath the surface. Ultimately, every effort to map our lands should reflect the comprehensive ownership of the American public over these resources.
Moreover, we face a pressing reality surrounding our mining industry, aptly referred to as mine baby mine. Over the last few decades, American mining has been stifled through regulations and a focus on foreign dependence. As a result, the United States finds itself reliant on countries like China for critical minerals, which not only undermines our economy but also our national security. The conservative movement must advocate for domestic mining initiatives, enabling the country to reclaim control over its mineral resources rather than allowing adversaries to dictate terms.
Finally, build baby build speaks to the urgent need to develop infrastructure for sustainable energy generation. In an era where the grid’s security is increasingly precarious, America needs both affordable and reliable power sources. Generating more baseload power can protect the grid from interruptions caused by over-reliance on intermittent energy sources. Infrastructure development must go hand-in-hand with resource management to ensure energy independence and economic strength.
Bringing together these four babies forms a powerful blueprint for America’s future. The conservative movement must unite around the message of efficient resource management and responsible development. By drilling, mapping, mining, and building, America can harness its rich resources and create an environment where families and businesses prosper. The time for action is now, and the principles that have guided our nation for decades must once again drive our policies.